SaferStraps™ Bio Bucket Harris XG-75Pe Series Radio Holster - Safer Strap  - Firefighter Radio Strap
SaferStraps™ Bio Bucket Harris XG-75Pe Series Radio Holster - Safer Strap  - Firefighter Radio Strap

SaferStraps™ Bio Bucket Harris XG-75Pe Series Radio Holster

Regular price $45.00 Sale price $34.00
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Click the Link below for how to use the XG-75pe radio bucket:
Introducing the SaferStrap™  Bio Bucket Harris XG-75Pe Series  Radio    Holster.  This Unique Design accommodates the Harris Series XG-75Pe Radios with out interfering with the operational features or the screen visiblity  of your most valuable communication tool. The SaferStrap™ Bio Bucket and be decontaminated with Biocide/Cavicide or  CITROSQUEEZE® to remove fire ground contaminants and rapidly return to service with minimal downtime. Pair the Bio Bucket with the One of our Safer Radio Strap to completely equip yourself with the Safer Strap Solution. 

Limitations of Use

Firefighting is a hazardous occupation. Structural firefighting equipment and accessories have limitations. Saferstraps products do not protect the user from radiological or direct flame hazards. Saferstraps products are not a rescue harness and should not be used in this fashion. Avoid direct contact with flame or molten metals.

Temperature, the amount of contact time, cuts, tears, or physical wear that damage the Strap and accessories or exposure to certain chemicals can all influence the straps ability to be resistant to hazards.